Gentle Giants: Elephant Yoga on Display at Houston Zoo Demonstrates Incredible Flexibility

In Hindu culture, elephants are considered sacred beings, and India is famously known as the origin of yoga. Therefore, it’s no wonder that elephants are naturally drawn to mimicking yoga poses.

A captivating sight shows the majestic elephant effortlessly balancing in a headstand pose. Can you imagine achieving such a graceful headstand like this gentle giant?

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At the Houston Zoo, elephants participate in yoga-like stretching exercises that range from 30 seconds to 5 minutes in duration. These routines help to boost their muscle strength and promote both their physical and mental health.

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In their stretching sessions, zookeepers observe the elephants’ movements and flexibility closely. Special treats are given to keep the elephants motivated. In a stunning display, Tess, a nearly 40-year-old mother and grandmother, impresses with her agility by balancing on her head. Methai, the 54-year-old matriarch, takes a more laid-back approach. Kristin Windle, Elephant Supervisor at the Houston Zoo, stresses the significance of forming strong and positive bonds with the elephants.

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The connection between caregivers and elephants is essential in delivering top-notch healthcare and ensuring the happiness of these incredible animals.
“These gentle stretching sessions, which can be likened to elephant yoga, are key in building strong bonds with our elephants,” Windle describes.
“Through positive encouragement, we improve their range of motion and conduct thorough checks on their skin, feet, and mouths. These sessions provide valuable information on the overall health and happiness of our elephants.”

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